
Easter Thursday Festivities

from 11:45am Mon, 21 Mar 2016
to 8:30pm Thu, 24 Mar 2016

by Rick Allen
Posted: almost 9 years ago
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: 2 hours before
Ends: 8:30pm Thursday 24 March 2016 (duration is 3 days)

Banyule City SC this Thursday night:

- Easter Egg Hunt
- (Meal deal) Sausage in bread with pop top and icy pole $5.00
- (Meal deal) Lamb souvlaki in roll & soft drink $5.00
- Hot chocolate or coffee with hot cross bun $4.00
- Hot chips etc available as normal
- Meal deals with beer or wine $8.00

Come and try our new coffee machine or enjoy a drink with friends whilst not having to cook for the night. See you there.


Banyule Flats